Receive more meaningful security alerts



Artificial Intelligence People and Vehicle Detection


With AI people and vehicle detection technology receive important  alerts that will improve your security experience


What is AI People and Vehicle Detection? 


In the past CCTV systems were unable to differentiate between people/vehicle movement & other types of motion. This resulted in constant disruptions and false alarms from

  • weather conditions
  • animals
  • tree movement
  • bright lights
  • shadows

It was hard to notice when actual security breaches occurred in the midst of all the alerts. This made monitoring security inefficient and futile.

Now with AI people and vehicle detection, managing security has become efficient and effortless. This AI technology accurately differentiates between movements, only providing alerts when a person or vehicle is detected.

Furthermore it allows you to only set up areas for surveillance that you want to expand security to, protecting your desired perimeter.


How can AI people and vehicle detection    revolutionise security ?


Meaningful Security Alerts

Gain valuable demographic information of people and vehicles that enter your business premises. Know when and how many people and vehicles enter your premises with artificial intelligence. This will allow you to make key decisions to improve efficiency such as flow control and access control. 


Reduce false alarms such as weather, animals and insects with AI technology. Smart motion detection will provide people and vehicle alerts by filtering unwanted activity. With an accuracy rate of 99% you can go about your day without unnecessary disruptions. Receive real time meaningful alerts to take action immediately.  



Perimeter Protection

Prevent trespassing and suspicious activity before it becomes serious. With artificial intelligence, you can set up rules for areas that are prohibited. This gives you live alerts and playback footage when a person or vehicle has entered that area, ensuring that you don’t miss a thing. 


Where can AI people and vehicle detection be used?

It is difficult to monitor security when you are consumed in daily activities and tasks. This technology accurately provides live alerts when people and vehicle motion is detected, allowing you to stay in control of the security of your environment. 

Home Safety

Receive live alerts of vehicles and people that enter your home even when you are not present. Protect your home from theft and trespassing. 


Manage workplace health and safety by monitoring motion in dangerous areas and prohibited areas. Make the safety of your staff a priority. 


Protect the perimeter of large agricultural areas by being alerted of  people and vehicles that enter. Keep animals, machinery and your land safe. 

Find out how AI people and vehicle detection can be tailored to meet your security needs